The Pittman Pillow Chart
One of our most important features is the Pittman Pillow Chart™, is a totally unique feature, which Ben Pittman developed more than twenty five years ago.
This particular innovation revolutionized Pittman’s thinking in his quest to find a solution to an age-old pillow THICKNESS design challenge. For nearly one hundred years, the sleep industry recognized standards for TWO of THREE primary dimensions of a pillow: length and width. Never has the industry either devekoped nor recognized a standard for thickness.
Pillow THICKNESS is arguably the most important pillow dimension for comfortable, restful sleep.

Instructions on how to use the Pittman Pillow Chart explained below:
The Pittman Pillow Chart is simple, easy to use, and in conjunction with all the other associated features and benefits, offers the only proven way to predict proper pillow thickness.
To find your most comfortable, supportive pillow thickness, first locate your dress size if you are a woman or your jacket size if you are a man. Then, look at the corresponding Size Designated as A, B, C, or D on the chart. Now, you will know the best size for your shoulder width, for the remainder of your life, unless you gain or lose a great amount of weight. The Pittman Pillow Chart is accurate for both side and back sleepers. If you happen to be a stomach sleeper, we suggest using an A (the least loft of any model).